Black Cats
The adventures of Moto and Kozo, two black cats.
Two Black Cats
Moto and Kozo are two black cats that appear in Dynan's paintings and books.

The artist has always had cats. And there have been several "Mr.Moto's" and "Kozo's" as well as a "Mika Moto" (named after a Japanese friend).
In the artist's book, Moto and Kozo at the MOMA, the two cats are allowed to roam the MOMA at night. They are bored at first, but then the paintings seem to come alive. Leaves fall off paintings, animals jump off the canvas, and the young Moto gets inside a Hopi Pot and later gets his head stuck in a cloud that has come out of a painting.
Moto and Kozo at the MOMA are representative of the artist's children, Joseph and Sara, visiting the Museum of Mankind in London, and the experience that they had there.